
We scoured the globe for a robust due diligence standard that is accessible for small batch producers, and one didn’t exist – so we created our own. PBP is committed to assess and progress our makers.

Our ESG Diligence for Makers

The due diligence process consists of an initial Readiness Assessment, for all of the makers joining the platform, starting with adherence to our Code of Conduct and PBP Charter. The ESG Diligence is designed to grasp how ready MSMEs are to respond to the changing expectations of regulators, brands and retailers, investors, financial institutions, consumers and other stakeholders. This is then followed by a Baseline Assessment to obtain precise performance levels, and finally an Outcomes Assessment, which will be administered periodically in order to measure the progress of the organisation’s ESG performance over time.

Due Diligence and Process Timeline

Initial ESG needs assessment to identify gaps and high-risk issues After a gap analysis, we develop capacity building plans for the businesses, so they can progress to a higher maturity level Approximately one year after the initial assessment. This becomes a yearly exercise in order to measure the progress of their ESG performance Approximately six months after the initial needs assessment. This provides precise performance levels off which we can measure progress Readiness Assessment Capacity Building Outcomes Assessment Baseline Assessment
Due Diligence and Process Timeline Initial ESG needs assessment to identify gaps and high-risk issues After a gap analysis, we develop capacity building plans for the businesses, so they can progress to a higher maturity level Approximately one year after the initial assessment. This becomes a yearly exercise in order to measure the progress of their ESG performance Approximately six months after the initial needs assessment. This provides precise performance levels off which we can measure progress Readiness Assessment Capacity Building Outcomes Assessment Baseline Assessment

Our Partners

We are Powered by People. A community of skilled makers and conscious buyers.
We consulted with leading experts, makers and retailers to develop our sustainability approach.

ESG Due Diligence
The Assessment

The assessment covers key topics in the social, environmental and governance (ESG) dimensions. The responses of the ESG Assessment are scored on a five-point scale that reflects the organisation’s level of maturity on each function or topic and, unlike audits, it is not a pass-fail exercise. The questions are not trying to assess compliance with legal or code standards, but rather the readiness and capacity to identify and manage human rights and environmental risks linked to the operations of the organisationes are scored on a maturity scale:

Maturity Scale Rating System

  • 0 No existing policies or systems
  • 1 Informal or partial systems
  • 2 Formal systems or procedures in place
  • 3 Systems are optimised and adding value
  • 4 Systems are validated/certified by an independent 3rd party
  • 5 Bonus point (e.g. holds a patent for a new material)

Verification Mark

Our maturity scale and support resources are investments in the growth of our makers and the impact to our environment. Makers that have completed Readiness Assessment are designated with a special PBP Verified Mark.

Key maker attributes

Woman Led

Celebrating women founders or in senior leadership positions


Low-impact materials from within the ecosystem

Cultural Heritage

Promoting the conservation of traditional craft techniques

Sustainable Processes

Processes that improve the social and environmental impact of both production inputs and outputs


Unique products from the hands of skilled artisans


New ways to improve product and the lives of our families, communities and our natural world, including circularity

“Working with a team that understands the benefits and challenges of artisanal work generates a very authentic synergy of collaboration.”

Michele De Alba
Directora General at Al Centro Ceramica

Open and transparent sourcing

We share a commitment to a new economics, a new model of open and transparent sourcing that creates fair value in disruptive new ways. As we deploy our new sustainability framework, we will share and report data along the way.