Curiti Fique Area Rug 

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$630.00 SRP
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Fique is a Colombian fiber commonly used for rug and basket weaving. The fiber comes from the family of agave plants, and like hemp, it does not need any fertilizers or pesticides to grow. Making this fiber an natural organic fiber. It is also a fiber that needs very little water to grow, making it a very resourceful fiber and a great sustainable option for natural fibers.

Our new area rug is hand woven by a family of artisans from the Santander region of Colombia. Woven in a vertical loom, this rug is hand knotted for 3 weeks and the result is a perfectly crafted geometric modern rug for outdoor and indoor spaces. Sold in a standard medium size and also available for custom sizing per request.

100% natural fique fiber
Dimensions: 50" x 68" / 125cm x 175cm
Handmade by artisan family from Colombia

heritage craftHeritage Craft
woman-ledWoman Led